Weight is just the final “result” of your living, eating, resting, exercising… process. That’s why, when losing weight, many people only care about their weight while the “root” of this problem is rarely taken seriously.

Here are 8 factors that affect your weight and shape. Properly adjusting all 8 factors, you will have a slim body, a refreshing spirit and a healthy body as you desire.

1.SLEEP: According to research at the University of Pennsylvania’s Perelman School of Medicine (USA), sleeping less at night can stimulate areas of the brain that make people tend to eat more fat. Not getting enough sleep reduces leptin levels while raising ghrelin levels, which can cause overeating when you’re sleep deprived. Sleep 7-8 hours every night to let your body rest and recover after a day.

2.STRESS: when we are stressed, the body will secrete a lot of cortisol – a hormone that slows down metabolism and helps the body store fat. In particular, stress causes many people to gain belly fat. Stress is also a cause of food cravings. When you eat a lot and don’t control it, you contribute to being overweight.

3. NUTRITION: a diet high in starch, fat, and sugar but low in protein, vitamins, minerals, fiber, vegetables, fruits, and vegetables causes the body to retain energy and store it into fatty tissue. Proper nutrition is a key factor for a toned, healthy physique.

4. HABITS: eating a lot, eating fast, skipping breakfast, eating a lot of dinner, eating late at night, eating without restraint, liking to eat fried foods, drinking… are habits that make your figure less attractive .

5. EXERCISE: of course. Exercise helps increase metabolism, burn excess fat, and help firm the body. Go jogging, swimming, gym, yoga, cardio… to get your ideal body. For people who often sit in one place, after 45 minutes of sitting, exercise for 5 minutes.

6. THOUGHTS: “I can’t lose weight”, “Losing weight is too difficult”… are small voices in many people’s heads. This makes weight loss goals difficult and hopeless. However, changing this mindset is completely possible when you have people to support you, activate your beliefs, guide you, and remind you.

7. CHEERING: How would you feel if you lost weight with a companion? They will follow, cheer, and share with you along the way. Isn’t that great?

8. INDIVIDUAL: each person has different constitution, BMI, BMR, habits, activities… Therefore, weight loss needs to be appropriate, based on individual factors and not have a stereotypical formula. You need to do tests and measurements to understand yourself best. Then the weight loss process will be gentle and comfortable.

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